Chautauqua Co Emerg Services

A vehicle was being driven by a subject who had a medical emergency, which caused him to leave the roadway and struck a barn. The vehicle went through the south facing wall, which was a “lean-too” on the side of the the barn. The truck came to rest in the barn after it had taken out a main support of the large old barn 10×10 main beam. The 1″x6″ boards that were used as interior sheeting, were now tensioned and supporting the load of the beam.

Upon arrival of the Technical rescue team, there was no patient involved, but we were tasked with shoring the building so that the truck could be removed, and minimize damage to the structure. The vehicle did not need any stabilization at this time.

First actions were to use Paratech 610 struts to create (2) temp “T” shores on the lean-to wall. We utilized a 6×6 channel base on each of those, as there was an existing 6×6 that was in place and useable. We then used 4×4 channel heads with a 36″ header to create the “T” shore. We then went into the structure and made a “Double T” shore with 2 more 610 struts and 4×4 header.

We then used the new Multi Force bag to lift the truck, enough to get a stuck piece of farm machinery that would have made the wrecker job much more difficult. A second lift on the other side was needed, and we used 4×4 cribbing to create a base and did a second lift to make remove debris from the car. The car was then moved with ease.

After the vehicle was move we build a 4×4 lumber double t in place, transferred the load front he 610 Double T and removed all the Paratech equipment in place.

I believe that the 610 Gold struts made this operation very safe, and quick to do so. The new Multi Force bag was very simple to use and very effective. It made the lift extremely simple.




List Members Involved 

  Noel Guttman – Fire Coordinator
Steve Bourgeois – Deputy Fire Coordinator
Eric Yager – Captain
David Wawrzyniak
Jonathan Hinsdale – Lt
Chautauqua Co Emerg Services  image

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