Dispatched for an MVA with injuries. Upon arrival to scene R351 crew found a vehicle under a large tree with driver entrapped, the tree had the roadway completely blocked. PV 351 was already on scene with DCEMS 9. DCEMS 9 was providing Pt care. E352 on scene. C350 established command. R351 worked to stabilize vehicle and tree. Vehicle was stabilized with step chocks while tree was stabilized with struts from R351, winch from R501 and an air bag from R351. Pt extrication was coordinated between crews. The vehicle’s roof was removed, drivers door was spread open, passengers seat removed and dash lifted in unison with tree. Pt was extricated from vehicle and moved to DCEMS 2, whom transported the driver to the hospital. R351 remained on scene with a 2 man crew while all other units went in service and returned to quarters. R351 stayed on scene while OSP completed their investigation. ODOT on scene, closed roadway and took control of tree removal. R351 went back in service and returned to quarters. OSP took control of scene.