We were in an incident, in which 3 cars were involved and one of them, which was coming at high speed, incised the other cars, leaving a car in a ditch, which we proceeded to use the tools to remove 3 trapped people, unfortunately , one person died in the accident

People Involved:

Capitán Edinson Dussan Lozada
Teniente Salomon Jiménez
Teniente James Mulato Tasama
Teniente Carlos J. Figueroa
Subteniente Basilio Salamanca Camero
Subteniente José Tomas Rodríguez
Subteniente Ricardo Rey
Cabo Luis Zambrano
Cabo Nubia Esperanza Cardenas
Cabo Santiago Botello
Cabo Henry Yesid Baez
Bombero Andres Fuentes
Bombero Judis Anderson Curtis Rojas
Bombero Raul Ivan Carvajal
Bombero Anderson Cadena
Bombero Andres SanPedro
Bombero Manuel Lizarazo
Bombero Nicolas lastre
Aspirante Alixon Niño Diaz
Candidata Patricia Caro



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