Upon arrival, the Incident Commander reported a vehicle overturned on its side and entangled in guide wires from a power pole, approximately 15-20 feet off the road. Precise actions with Paratech rescue tools successfully stabilized the vehicle, preventing further danger to both the occupants and the firefighters involved. One patient, who was trapped inside the vehicle, greatly benefited from the vehicle stabilization. This allowed the rescue team to safely cut out the windshield and facilitate the patient’s exit without exacerbating bodily injuries.
Utilizing Paratech rescue tools in training, the transition was seamless during this critical incident.
This incident represented a significant rescue effort for the towing company, underscoring the excellent working relationship with all agencies involved, including the California Highway Patrol. This collaboration streamlined operations and contributed to the successful outcome.
Rene Herrera Incident Commander (Fire Apparatus Engineer)
Santiago Martinez -Rescue Team (Fire Apparatus Engineer)
Richard Shade- Operations (Fire Captain)
Charles Sells-Rescue Team (Fire Apparatus Engineer)