St. Cloud Fire Rescue

Engine 31 Rescue 31 was dispatched to 300 Pennsylvania Ave for an entrapment. Upon further dispatch, Chief 30 and an additional Engine was dispatched due to the update of person entrapped under a vehicle. Engine 31 Rescue 31 arrived on scene to 1 Telluride White SUV on all 4 tires on the patients front yard directly on top of the patient. The patient presented as unable to catch his breath due to the passenger front side of the vehicle sitting directly over his chest. Patients family on scene states the patient was working on his car using the jack stand that comes with the vehicle, when it buckled over and the vehicle pinned him down into the ground. The decision was made swiftly by Lt. David Miller to utilize a pair of Paratech High Lift Bags and a cribbing base, and assembled directly under the front wheel axle for proper lift. Cribbing was placed on the back tires to prevent the car from rolling. Cribbing was also placed on the sides of the Lift operation to capture progress. Reece Foster manned the Controller, and lifted slowly on Lt. David Millers command. We were able to get 4 inches of lift with proper capture and were able to then remove the victim to perform proper EMS care with the hazard removed. Patient was stable and transported to the nearest facility.

List Members that directly supervised, actually operated, or provided direct and tangible assistance to the operators of our products

Reece Foster: Operator and Controller

David Miller: Set-up lift with crib stack base, attached air hose and controller, Command of Scene

Raul Ramirez: Set-Up, assist with patient removal

Noely Morales-Diaz: assist with patient removal

Stanley Edmond: assist with patient removal

Darrian White: Lead Paramedic, assist with patient removal

St. Cloud Fire Rescue image

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