On November 2, 2023 at approximately 0030 hours, the Los Angeles City Fire Department (LAFD) responded to an incident involving a stuck elevator in Sherman Oaks, CA. Upon arriving on scene, Light Force 88 (LF88) discovered one victim trapped in an elevator between the third floor and fourth floor of a 15-story modern high-rise building. The involved elevator shaft also presented a unique challenge, as it was designed as a blind shaft with limited access. Initially the members of LF88 attempted to reset the elevator and lower the elevator car to a vestibule landing. However, after repeated attempts with no success they had added Urban Search & Rescue 88 (UR88) to the incident as an additional resource for assistance.
After UR88 arrived on scene and discussed the incident with LF88, the tactical decision was made to facilitate the rescue by utilizing the Paratech Elevator Rescue Kit in favor of breaching the wall adjacent to the stuck elevator car, as it would cause considerably less damage to the high rise in the non-emergency situation. As members began setting up for the technical rescue, LAFD Engine 88 and Rescue Ambulance 88 were also added to the incident to ensure adequate US&R certified staffing was on scene to complete the operation safely.
Lock out and tag out was competed while the rescue team progressed up to the 10th floor—the lowest floor before the shaft turned blind. Additional US&R personnel then constructed the elevator kit in the hoist-away door and built a lowering and raising system for the rescuer and victim as UR88 opened two small holes in a wall to establish anchor points for the main line and belay line. During the entire operation, the Paratech Elevator Rescue Kit performed well and allowed LAFD US&R personnel to safely rescue a victim from the elevator in the blind shaft.
Individuals involved in
Truck 88
Captain II Dustin Clark
Apparatus Operator Nathan Carver
FF Douglas Colfax
FF Grady Johnson
FF/PM Kenneth Barone
Engineer Raice Wicklas
Engine 88
Captain I Jeffrey Arnold
Engineer Daniel Beaty
FF Drew Wagner
Probationary FF Jaime Pantoja
US&R 88
Captain I Mario Gonzalez
Apparatus Operator Ty Baker
Paramedic Rescue 88
FF/PM Carl Fernandez
EAP/PM Trevor Braff