On 10/30/2024 Pike Township Fire Department was dispatched to a local gas station for a report of a person trapped under a box truck. Information provided from the Dispatcher to responding units advised there was male victim trapped under the truck with the right side of his back/shoulder and arm under the rear tire. Lt. Allgood on Ladder 64 confirmed crew assignments enroute, which included utilization of the Paratech Multi-Force air lifting bag. Upon arrival, it was confirmed a male patient laying prone on the pavement was trapped beneath the driver side left rear tire of the box truck parked at the gas pump. The patient was conscious and in severe pain. Engine 64 crew members quickly stabilized the vehicle while Ladder 64 crew members quickly and efficiently deployed the Multi-Force air bag. A box crib was built under the center of the rear axle, the air bag placed and the truck lifted. Once the lift was complete, the patient was quickly removed and EMS care was initiated and the patient was transported in stable condition to the ER. Total extrication time from the arrival of EG64 to patient removal was 3 minutes!
List Members Involved:
Engine 64: Lt. Rochelle Mauer, Engineer Mark Raney, FF Dawson Bowling, FF Michael Pettygrove
Ladder 64: Lt. Jason Allgood, Engineer Troy Walden, FF Dan Walker, FF Ryan Forney
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