Heavy Rescue Training and Tactics

Vehicle & Machinery Training

Heavy Rescue Training and Tactics

The Vehicle Machinery Training and Tactics Course is focused on rescue around Vehicle and Machinery, Vehicle found in all aspects of life around us, from Farm Vehicles to Road and Rail Vehicles over various heavy Machinery from all Industries. This course samples a wide variety of these and offers techniques to lift and/or stabilize accident scenes to safely rescue victims and offers tactical considerations. We focus on the Paratech Rescue Strut System for stabilizing and lifting. The course will touch on various Air Lifting Bags as well.

The Awareness level Vehicle Machinery Training and Tactics Course is 4 hours and the max students accepted is limited by classroom size. This is offered on a virtual platform as well. The course is hands off and covers basic introduction to the products, their use, maintenance, theory of use and best practice.

The Operation level Vehicle Machinery Training and Tactics Course is a basic hands on course for students that have taken the awareness level courses, going over theory and applying this in real world scenarios created on site. This class is 16 hours (2 days) and is limited to 40 students.

The Technician level Vehicle Machinery Training and Tactics course covers the more tactical aspect of Rescues around Vehicles and Machinery, including in depth tab information on all equipment needed on scene, both Paratech and other products. This class is 24 hours (3 days) and is limited to 40 students.

Part No. Description Level Duration Max Students
22-PTVMA Vehicle & Machinery Awareness AWS 4 Hours Classroom Dependent
22-PTVMO Vehicle & Machinery Operations OPS 16 Hours 40
22-PTVMT Vehicle & Machinery Technician TECH 24 Hours 40

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Heavy Rescue Training and Tactics

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